Homemade bread has become a bit of a thing of the past, the old farmhouse oven with the smell of freshly baked bread is just something we see in a museum of culture.
What is better than the smell of fresh homemade bread , warm and delicious just out of the oven. It is time that we started to re-invent this artisan Cob Loaf, it is simple to make and you don't even need a bread tin to make this Loaf.
Did you know that you can even make your own Yeast if you like, take this a step further and make a Sourdough Loaf.
This falls in to the category of old school recipes, baking bread is one of those things we just dont do any more.
Cost to make:
£1.21 / $1.53(Est.)
In 1928 the first bread slicer was intruduced in America, since that day the Artisan Loaf was born in its modern sense.
Artisan bread was common place before this. Homemade crusty bread was all we had. I guess 1928 was also the year the saying "It's the best thing since sliced bread" came into being.
So Artisan Baking is just a rebirth of the way we always used to make bread, but it has found a new lease of life, and today Bread making is all the rage.
This Cob Loaf recipe will take you back to pre 1928, when making bread this way was just Normal. The recipe only contains 5 ingredients and is perfect for the beginer as you dont need any special equipment or bread tins.
Bread making is in decline but Artisan bread just tastes so much better than anything you can buy in the shop.
Why not devide this dough into 8 small pieces and bake them as bread rolls ?
You want the bread to be golden brown and sound light and hollow when you tap the bottom.