Chilli Cheese Burrito
Cowbridge Kitchen
A Chilli Burrito is a Tex-Mex recipe, a tortilla wrap that is filled with BBQ Tex-Mex Chilli and Rice , topped with Cheese then baked in the oven.
Tex-Mex cuisine is a mixture of Texan and Mexican food so this Burrito filling has a spicy BBQ flavour to it and it makes a great tasting Chilli on its own.
These Burritos can be served as a snack on their own or as a meal served with Rice or Couscous.
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This will take about 1hr 10 minutes to make
40 mins Prep.
30 minutes Cooking time.
This is per burrito
284g serving
Calories: 420
Protein: 29g
Fat: 6.9g
Carbohydrates: 40g
Fiber: 4.5g
Sugar: 5.4g
This recipe is to serve 4 people
Tricky : You will need to have a good cooking skill level to make this
The price of this recipe is quite high, but it make a lot. Upto 8 Burritos
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Cost to make:
£8.66 / $10.96 (Est.)
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Video may vary from this recipe
How to make a Burrito
The history of a basic burrito that has not been fully wrapped, with meat, refried beans, sauce and cheese Before the development of the modern burrito, the Maya civilization of Mexico used corn tortillas as early as 1500 B.C. to wrap foods, with fillings of chili peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, squash, and avocados.
Source : Wikipedia
In this recipe we are going to make a Tex-Mex Chilli that we are going to use to fill the burrito. You can use this chilli as a stand alone dish , and just serve it with rice and sour cream.
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400 g of Mince Meat
100 g of Plain Rice
8 Tortilla Wraps
2 Red Onions
1 tsp Lazy Garlic
1 Tin Chopped Tomatoes
1 Tin Sweet Corn
1 Tsp Hot Chilli Powder
2 Tsp smoked Paprika
1 Beef Stock Cube
50 ml of BBQ Sauce
1 tablespoon of Veg Bouillon
Pinch of dried chilli flakes
50 g Grated Parmesan Cheese
50 g Grated Cheddar Cheese
25 - 50 g Tomato Puree (Paste)
Flour / Olive oil / 25 g Butter
Cooking Instructions
Peel and dice up the red onions , mix together with the garlic and a generous splash of olive oil.
Melt the butter in a large pan or a cast iron cooking dish and add the Onions, Garlic and sweetcorn.
Mix together and leave this to cook for about 10 minutes , until the onions are soft.
While the onions are cooking , mix together the Beef stock cube , Paprika , Chilli powder & Chilli flakes into a small bowl.
Combine the Minced Beef to the pan and allow to cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally until the beef is cooked.
Add a teaspoon of flour to the onions and corn and stir it in.
Add the spice mix up made up earlier and get it mixed into the beef, you will start to smell all of the flavours at this point.
Empty the tin of Chopped tomatoes, Tomato Paste & BBQ Sauce to the pan and mix well.
While the Chilli mix is cooking , grate up your Parmesan & Cheddar cheese.
Make up 1 pint of vegetable stock using the veg bouillon and bring to the boil in a pan. Cook your rice in this boiling stock until tender.
When the rice is cooked , run under cold water to stop it cooking , the drain and dry it out.
When the chilli is cooked , ladle half of it into a fine sieve over a plastic bowl , then with the back of the ladle squash the chilli around the sieve to remove most of the fluid.
Filling the Burritos
Pack each Tortilla with a generous amount of Chilli , leaving about an inch free around the whole diameter.
Spoon the cooked rice on top of the Chilli , Then the cheddar cheese. (Don't over fill them )
Fold in the left and right sides , then loosely roll and fold them into rectangular parcels.
Place the Burritos on a lightly greased baking tray , cover them with some Parmesan cheese and a sprinkle of smoked paprika.
Bake in a preheated oven @180 c for about 10 minutes or until the cheese has melted and the Burrito is cooked and slightly browned.
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Chefs Tips
The filling for this Burrito would make a tasty
Tex-Mex Chilli.
Brown Rice
2 tsp Hot Chilli Powder (Hot Chilli)